Frozen in time or frozen in space? - A poem

Frozen in time
Hallucinations of wallpaper all hazy
These beats change colours everywhere but try to faze me
Green melts into violet that turns orange into blazing searing red
A table calendar is glitching
Digits are rearranging
Pages are flipping and I almost tore that month out 
in sync with this bass full of rage
Except I’m frozen in place

Zooming in on massive dinner tables
And the galaxy swirls in two black eyeballs
A head is titled
Staring or longing at crops wilted
No noise but people talk and babies cry
Everyone is running but no one knows why
And I’d help but all I can do is think of a rhyme
I’d ask what’s wrong but I’m frozen in time

I saw this exact moment years ago
Or did I dream of it this morning
The kitchen melts and furniture moves
Liquid waves of this air move in and screw nails out of grooves
I’ve seen that bed before
I’ve been before in this daze
I’d try to recall but I’m frozen in place

One strap off the shoulder which for its time was much bolder
Don’t stare directly into her eyes
They have a way to hypnotise
A dip of hips and fresh white pearls
Neckline bordered by luscious brown curls
Does she just stand there for days looking sublime
I’d ask her if it’s true but I’m frozen in time

Voices you forgot you could recognise
Will spin around you
In the eye of the tornado
In this labyrinth, this never ending maze
You’re at a crossroads that could go a million ways
I’d stop to make a decision but I’m frozen in place

This frame is larger than life
If you thought it’s borders we’re impeccable
Look inside you’re in for a surprise
Champagne in every glass bubbles
His smirk hidden amidst laughs spells trouble
Everyone sees love, brotherhood and friends meeting for wine
But his eyes shine with dollar signs
I’d help him pull off this heist but I’m frozen in time 


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