
Oh Every word you say is a step you take further away
This fear is too deep rooted for any feelings to be kept at bay
Oh I’m already knee deep in this mud and it’s only May

Oh the phoenix will rise from the ashes, but will still be marked with gashes
Of past mistakes, multiple retakes
It’ll forgive, never forget
Oh the people who leave are never the people you first met

Oh it’s like the earthen pot that you bought years ago
Beautifully intact but still left with scratches from every-time it almost broke
Oh it’s like the angel who flew through the depths of hell
Came back with shattered wings and they’d taken off her golden bell

Oh it’s the notebook from middle school
With slight small traces of the girl who bullied you
Oh it’s the old badminton racket
With the broken wire and even when they tried no one could catch it

Oh when you take the candle out of the lamp
You leave stained glass alone to forever be miserable, gloomy, damp
And when you take the girl out out the city
You can never take the city out of the girl but you’ll wonder if that’s what really made her full of life and so unbelievably pretty

Oh and you burn it to the ground, throw it all around, till there’s nothing left to be found, till there’s absolutely no sound
And then you wonder
Where’s that thunder, was that a huge blunder?
If looks could kill you’d be six horrifying feet under
But you left no looks because you went crazy
Taking your fill, climbing up that hill, pushing limits with your drill, and now the only sound left in this land is a chilling shrill

Wind the toy, one too many times
It’s having fun, will learn all its lines, never ever stop and even go the extra mile and make it all rhyme
And then you’ll say
God this won’t stop, I want what’s next and I’ll make my way to the top till this fool stops talking and finally drops
But it continues, because you gave it a single chance, to express and to dance
And you’ll get sick, wonder why you were ever so dense, a mind so thick
Kick it and step on it, make it shut up, whine and scream till the only real option left is to give up

Oh and stuff like this, it collects over time
It makes you adapt, till default responses are that you are totally fine
Those gashes, scratches and notes say more than you could ever understand
They cut so deep you suspect it might’ve all been strategised, pinned up with red yarn, written down and planned
Now you wait patiently, after every text, conversation, a call, a smile, a date
When is it, that this one will ultimately meet its fate?

Oh and every time it feels too good to be true
I do wish you are reminded of every other time you were rendered the fool
Write those chapters down and tuck them away in a quaint, deserted far away town
Where they can collect dust, curious glances, gain a stranger’s trust and finally be forgotten and be pushed far down
But do remember friend, when you suspect the glamour hides something you’ve seen before
Dig through the mud and find the books buried, it’s time the stories are told because there will always and forever be something more

And when you walk that stage, walk on clouds in front of a crowd unknown
And it feels like you could fall through anytime, words won’t come out, you have to mime, just learn to believe that you will be fine
Don’t share nothing, frame and freeze it right where it is because
You know better than this volatile weather, the earthy smell of leather, horse on a tether, grow up and you’ll finally understand, finally get her

And when the vampire from chapter two comes back as a fairy to surprise you
Check her teeth, check for bloodshot eyes and for backward feet
Oh it won’t be weird, because you’ve seen it all, and
Before you move on, you need to know this time you can handle it, that you won’t fall
And you’ll be wary, everything about a crossover is deadly and scary
You won’t put a pin on it, you won’t cement it again, those books taught you stuff that speculating about the future never can

The drenched up past will inevitably meet the fiery present
And the cat will purr and swing her tail and sit and stare at the moon that’s crescent
Her calls are a reminder, you will never find her, learn from it and be kinder
This intersection could go up in flames, or erupt a fountain
You’ll throw pennies in and climb up the highest mountains
This point in the past, has found its way to the present at last
If you wish to leave it behind, so it can never find what you’ve built you’ve gotta run fast

And trust me you’ll find yourself there many times more
Settings may change, you’ll find a new frequency, a new different range
But recall how this all feels so familiarly strange
You’ve been here before, they walked out the door, you shook to your core and for a whole week everything was sore

Mud pots crafted, they never would’ve lasted
Fairies in hell, no place to even think of ringing glitter bells
Time will freeze, you will tease, and old habits stay so you won’t rest until you please
Threats on notebook pages, now profound adages
Lamps without light, thick scarlet glass that no longer shimmers in the night
A bustling city missing a girl, a girl who’s alone in this massive world
Vampires dressed as best friends, you’d already caught onto this trend
No familiar faces in a big red room, dusts of old memories that you had to sweep all alone with a broom

Oh when blue china decorates a wooden table
And you are asked to pour your heart out
Do it anyway, because the voice you lost has finally been found
Dissolve the sugar cubes, get the old band back together and remember who you were before you thought it had all been washed away forever
Sip this new found, rich rediscovery through all of eternity
Henceforth skepticism will come more naturally, but listen to your heart and it will tell you what it is actually

All things start, all things will end
But there’s a first time for everything my friend
The journey is very long, yet too short but understand that you will never see the end
It’s imperative you enjoy the sights of every road ahead, you adjust but you don’t completely bend, you smile even if you have to fake it and pretend and just keep going so you can ascend
Onto that plane they all talk of
Where everything is seen through this huge lens of the right perspective
Where looking back at your tiny self feels proud and everything was worth it

Dreams of when the coat still smells like you, when the knot comes loose and finally takes me away from you
Holding on to the ropes that long would have chafed my palms, so I’ll warm them around your cup filled with hot tea and binge every other movie
All the books come back, this tea will taste like the bitter warning you ignored
Every sign, memory, sight, smell and taste will come forth
But my eyes will not betray the tales my subconscious weaves beneath what you can see
It’s a fear but it doesn’t have to be real, you’re near, you’re here and everything will be crystal and clear

Shocks that sudden will freeze you in time, you won’t even blink
Thinking will be out the question and the floor has somehow become quick sand, this chair will sink
Into the wet mud, everybody grew up
But you’re still going down, the chair is already gone
Sunlight saves again, a brain tired of trying to think will yawn
Jump out of that seat, never let this repeat, everybody come with me, I have something you won’t believe
Give me lenses of all sizes, still I could never perceive
What goes on in a mind like that? Which way did the gears turn every time it attacked?

A piano that plays its own tunes will sit in your living room
And when there’s an aghast look on everyone’s faces you just have to tell them it’s the ghost who knew
The ghost who roams those halls, fixes pictures frames on the walls so they never fall
Makes hot coffee in a red pot, uses all the vegetables in a new dish so they don’t rot
The ghost of everything that was, will soon make a new friend
A new layer has shed, another part of my energy has bent, it’s the same strong shot of shock you’d never felt

And his freezer is filled with your favourite popsicles
Harry Potter candles melt on his dining table, all of this feels so tropical
There’s red sauce, old vintage clocks that look like they’re covered in moss
He’s a magnet, I just don’t understand it
Every layer that sat dry, on the bottom of this vessel is seeing cracks
Dust is being swept off of old shelves and racks, because he knows me and all of my knick knacks
I’m meeting the me I never knew, seeing parts of myself that I never drew

Oh and it’s in his voice, something about the way that it cuts through the noise
Everything is protected and perfectly poised
Layers are broken down, she will always come around, everything is tightly bound
Vessels filled with nectar, flowers on her dresser, you didn’t ever expect her, but she’s
The surprise of your life, watch her sleep it’s a marvellous sight
Her eyes still glow like the city lights, and you won’t let her go without a fight

And glimpses of the old time will flashback on every screen
A hand is clamped on your mouth but you really have to scream
And there’s little notes around the house, we’re in this together as a team and I want to lay down with you under the clouds
Whether sunlight trickles through them and finds us or they rain violently and leave us in a terrible muss
We will get there, we will up climb the stairs, I have gashes too but they mended when I met you
My China is broken, you have glue and the only thing on my mind is when I’ll be seeing you

There’s light at the end of this long tunnel
If you want me to believe your words please feed them in through a funnel
Sit me down, spin me around
Make sure I got you right, make sure I know what you mean
Just so I’m not blinded by this bright light, everything is clear and seen
The lake is blue, I see my reflection and I see you
The water is cool, blue lagoon and there are trees that glow under the moon

You reassure with favourite meals in dates on call
Let them know you still do, you never stopped
There’s still that card with their handwriting hanging on the wall
There’s green ceramic bowls, stories never told, hoodies on the bed to wash and fold
There’s an entire playlist, a familiar perfume and body mist, dumbbells in the hall that you always lift
A bookshelf we made together, you really impressed the neighbour
I miss your city’s weather, I got to wear all your jackets and boots of leather
Pictures on the mantle, tie the straps on my blush pink sandals, Harry Potter candles, your sister’s shiny bangles
This is everything I can handle

And in that other flat, there’s that brown striped mat
A box full of memories, that I never thought anyone would care to keep
But we look through, every time it gets cold and we need to escape the gloom
There’s picture frames, photos that you paid to take
Dried pressed flowers and orders of cakes that I devour
Borrowed books and adoring looks
Birthday sashes, fake eye lashes, mended gashes
Little tiny chits passed, when we were kids in a boring class
Birthday letters and hot water kettles and blue chunky sweaters
Folded till the forearms, that’s when I knew you were the one, everything has come undone 


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