Nestled Hearts - A poem 📸


Nestled Hearts

This place has traces of you

I pay rent to live here

But it lives in my head rent - free

On repeat, endlessly

You dont live here

But every time you visit,

This place feels a little bit more like home

Because I can smell your deoderant in my room

And cant help the heat that crawls up my neck, knowing you used my shampoo

Your watch is charging on my bed side table

The ingredients for your post work out smoothie lie in my fridge on the weekends

Thankyou for helping me fix the TV cable

I never ever want this to end

I dreamt of this a few months back

Now it's right in front of me

I must've done something right

Because now you have your own personal key

You're friends with the neighbours

You know every dog's name

Dont you realise that the other side of my bed

Is yours and only yours to claim?

And at the end of a long day

A long week

A long year

All I wanna say, is

Come home,

Let's make it our own


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