
Showing posts from April, 2024

Cross lines, pass time, make up your mind, fill your space, picture my face - A poem

  All this free time isn’t good for me  I will pour all my thoughts and doubts into a cauldron being heated by flames of insecurity  I’ll make it all up in my head and cross the line The white will mix with black and become grey  and I’ll forget how to distinguish between  What my head made and what he actually did say  I’ll study the minutest of details and still draw conclusions based on my first impression  Assume and make an ass out of both you and me I could write a book on the never ending spiral in my head that I have spent hours trying to manipulate and bend  It’ll translate into a monstrous fire licking my chest  Daring to be vulnerable in front of you  It’ll make me sick to my stomach and I’ll retch  You’ll be my muse that I will exaggerate and sketch Every crease, every stretch  Until then I will fill these hours with poetry, physics and chemistry  Music that decorates my time  Art that decorates my space  All of it while picturing your face  That will be proud of me  For le

Walls - A poem

  My heart is smaller than it seems It’s got all these layers you see I built the first wall when you called and ditched me You decide one day you’re done and leave And years later I now walk around in fear Because what if someone else loses interest the same way you did This first wall was built when I was just a kid These walls are permeable So they don’t do their job Because I was hurt again  Because you danced with me  And told me your secrets Decided you weren’t interested anymore So I put my hands in my pockets And thought maybe this is just how it’s supposed to be Walls are built  Walls disintegrate And they did when I met her Hilarious, unapologetic, tender We had fun and I was waiting for the moment She would decide she’d had her fill and leave But she stayed And it was the most content I’ve ever been Our memories weave into a braid and rest over my right shoulder Just when they think the coast is clear They are met with another boulder Because the first wall  I built with bri

Nestled Hearts - A poem 📸

  Nestled Hearts This place has traces of you I pay rent to live here But it lives in my head rent - free On repeat, endlessly You dont live here But every time you visit, This place feels a little bit more like home Because I can smell your deoderant in my room And cant help the heat that crawls up my neck, knowing you used my shampoo Your watch is charging on my bed side table The ingredients for your post work out smoothie lie in my fridge on the weekends Thankyou for helping me fix the TV cable I never ever want this to end I dreamt of this a few months back Now it's right in front of me I must've done something right Because now you have your own personal key You're friends with the neighbours You know every dog's name Dont you realise that the other side of my bed Is yours and only yours to claim? And at the end of a long day A long week A long year All I wanna say, is Come home, Let's make it our own

WHAT IF - By Shreya - Guest writer for April 🦋

 WHAT IF You only know you've been high when you're feeling low, so naturally the opposite applies too. At some point in time you learn to suppress your stress and tell yourself you're fine, that everything is okay. This facade that you put up for yourself hides the fear within. The fear of expectations, disappointment, guilt and regret.   But one day it will all go away, and you will learn to truly enjoy yourself. And when that day comes, someone will be there.   Everytime you take a break, someone will be there waiting to remind you that life is a horse race. That you are the poor horse, the reigns of your life in the voices around you, telling you what to do and what not to. The only reason you carry the weight of these voices and run is to satisfy societal expectations, to be a winning horse, to prove that you are worth something. But why? Why must we run for these voices, these expectations, these people who place bets on wether we win or not all for their own gain? Wh

How long can denim hold up? - A Poem

What’s it gonna be today? Dead silence I read too far into Or the usual make-me-smile ‘hey’ You’re my best friend But am I yours? Between us, Your moods change like trends And I pretend to be the timeless blue denim that keeps shining and smiling Say I’m going crazy But I only have you. On your side, I’m probably your backup at the end of a mile long queue Say that was dramatic Say it was needy I’m the gift that keeps on giving and for once, I want you to be greedy This feeling is new Is it loneliness? I spent the whole day today Finding things to do