Land of the Seven Rivers
"Land of the Seven Rivers" by Sanjeev Sanyal is a captivating book that takes readers on a meandering journey through the rich history of the Indian subcontinent. Sanyal skillfully explores various landmarks and historical events, offering insights into the Harappan civilization, the Vedas, the reign of Ashoka, the epic tales of Ramayana and Mahabharata, the cities of Delhi, the era of Mughals, the British colonial period, and the partition of India. The narrative also delves into contemporary developments, such as the rapid growth of Gurgaon as a center for the call- center industry. Throughout the book, Sanyal raises intriguing questions and presents thought-provoking ideas. For example, he ponders the absence of lion depictions on Harappan seals, suggesting that the moist climate may have been unsuitable for lions and challenging the notion that the Vedic hymns were exclusively associated with the Aryans and not the Harappans. Another peculiar topic he mentions is the ...